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First, you should know that all Carolina Lemke PRO OPTIC vision lenses protect your eyes with three advanced protections:

-    AR anti reflective - a layer that prevents glare and improves vision.

-    SR coating – a hard coating that reduces scratches and lengthens the life of the lens.

-    UV PRO - a protective coating against harmful ultraviolet sun rays.


Together with these PRO OPTIC lens capabilities, select from a range of functional lenses to more accurately meet your personal needs:

Transition (darkening) Lenses

Would you like a pair of glasses that will serve you well both indoors and when you go out into the sun? We have just what you need! Meet the darkening lenses that change color when in the sun or exposed to ultraviolet rays. These lenses contain iodine molecules that darken to a level identical to sunglasses when exposed to UV rays. When you get out of the sun the lenses revert back to their transparent state. In other words, the amount of UV ray exposure determines the darkening level of the lenses. In shaded areas, on cloudy days, or when you wear a hat the lenses will darken accordingly.

Blue Light Lenses

Scientists in the past assumed that UV radiation poses the main danger to the eyes. However, there is also increased radiation following the growing use of LED screens - computers, smartphones, television or even LED lights at home. Therefore, when considering UV light protection you should also take into account blue light emitted from LED’s. We add a filter to our blue light lenses that, in addition to blocking UV rays, protects your eyes during hours of exposure to blue light. Studies have shown that in addition to symptoms such as dry and itchy eyes and a burning sensation, blue light causes symptoms such as lack of concentration and increased fatigue. It may also delay melatonin secretion, resulting in sleep disorders and various diseases.

Multifocal and smart reading lenses

The word multifocal in fact refers to multiple foci. These lenses enable distance vision, medium range focus and reading without the need to change glasses every time for a different activity.

The multifocal feature is of course in addition to the PRO OPTIC advantages mentioned above. So you receive quality lenses exclusively manufactured for Carolina Lemke and polished on the rear surface of the lens - providing an especially wide field of vision, an aesthetic look, and lighter glasses that suit a variety of frames. 

Another solution we offer is smart reading lenses that combine close and medium range vision (up to about 1 meter) and are excellent for everyday functions such as using your mobile phone, doing office work and reading.

Polarized Lenses 

In a sun filled country such as Israel you need quality sunglasses to protect your eyes from radiation and glare. When you need particularly powerful protection you should go for sunglasses with polarized lenses: a coating that reduces the power of the rays and filters the light that causes glare and reflection. Those who work in the sun for long hours, such as drivers, athletes or people with sensitivity to light, find it vital to use polarized lenses. However, even people who are not exposed to the sun as part of their daily routine, but sometimes spend time in the sun near light reflecting surfaces, for example when skiing, walking along the seashore or at the pool  - sunglasses with polarized lenses can decrease eye strain.